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The Different Types of Energy

最后更新于:2024-05-29 08:54:05


The various forms of energy are the primary materials that power is derived from. They are then converted into secondary forms like fuels and electricity. They are then transferred through different channels to provide power to our homes, industries, vehicles and lives. Energy sources are classified as renewable and non-renewable.

Renewable (or clean) energy is produced from natural sources that are constantly replenished. Examples include wind power, solar power, water power and geothermal energy. Fossil Fuels (coal natural gas and oil) are not renewable, because they form much slower than we utilize them.

Solar energy can be harnessed by one rooftop or in large solar power plants. It can also be transformed into photovoltaic solar energy, which generates electricity directly. Water can be harnessed in order to generate hydropower, or be used to generate waves and tidal energy. Geothermal energy is derived from hot water reservoirs underground. Bioenergy is derived from organic sources such as woody crops, animal dung and human waste.

Renewable energy is not only green, but also less expensive than fossil fuels. The challenge, however, is that renewable energy requires a huge infrastructure to harvest and transport the energy, which can create complicated trade-offs for economic, social and environmental reasons. However, the growth of these technologies continues to grow and they are making strides against more traditional fossil fuels. Renewable energy may be cheaper in the long term than oil and coal.

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