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A Software Development World Game

最后更新于:2024-05-29 07:06:06

A world-class game for software development provides players with real-time learning experiences that allow players to develop, transform and utilize a program. It is intended for students wishing to become a professional computer software developer.

Video games are awash with simulations of real-world software and engineering. Minecraft players have created fake electronic devices that are incredibly complex, and many videogames have incorporated programming elements. Ozaria is a good example. It lets users design circuits by using draggable commands that mimic assembly language. Shenzhen I/O by Zachtronics can help coders understand the interface between software and hardware and understand how computation happens at a lower level.

Screeps, another innovative game by Zachtronics that introduces JavaScript programming to a video game that resembles the developer tools in browsers, and includes the console and scripts. Although it’s not designed for beginner coding experts, it does provide a foundational understanding of concepts such as single-time actions, variables and loops to players who are already familiar with JavaScript. Additionally, Robo Instructus lets players write high-level commands to allow them to control a robot in the game that moves through a map and has obstacles to overcome.


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