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What Is Data Security Software?

最后更新于:2024-05-16 20:36:28

Data security software safeguards digital data from unauthorized access, manipulation, or theft. It comes with a variety of tools and technologies like encryption, monitoring and logging and data security. It also includes policies, procedures, and tools for dealing hacks or data breaches.

Cybercriminals are just one threat vector affecting data security, but human error remains the most frequent cause of breaches. Data security tools come with capabilities to detect mistakes, like placing sensitive files on shared drives or opening emails with incorrect attachments.

Limiting physical access to servers and storage devices is a different aspect of data security. Physical security right here download-freeware-pc.com/why-is-important-to-use-virtual-data-rooms-for-enterprise-value-estimation/ measures can be as simple as requiring employees to log into a company building but they must also include labeling and securing hardware to ensure only authorized personnel are able to access it. This is particularly important for a cloud-based data center where the physical space may be out of your control.

Data security solutions also protect data at rest and in transit by encryption, so that only those with the correct keys are able to read it. This is often a complementary tool to firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS) and networks-based authentication systems.

One data security feature that is often ignored is user behavior analytics. It establishes baselines for normal activity and detects anomalies which could indicate unauthorized access. This feature is often included in software for monitoring relational databases, data warehousing and big data.

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